Skin PRP Treatment Center

Skin PRP Treatment Center

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The plasma-rich protein (PRP) facial, sometimes known as the vampire facial, might be the solution. It enhances skin tone and texture through microneedling and initiates the creation of collagen. Due of its ability to promote wound healing, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) facials have become increasingly popular among plastic surgeons. Platelets are highly concentrated in PRP. This permits the synthesis and release of active proteins and growth factors that aid in the healing process. It is frequently used to rejuvenate facial skin. PRP facials are medicinal procedures rather than cosmetic ones. To make PRP, the technician draws blood, separates the platelets and plasma that are high in protein, and then injects the mixture back into you.

For more details please contac us at +919910065989

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  • Skin PRP Treatment Center in Pitampura
  • Skin PRP Treatment Center in Ashok Vihar
  • Skin PRP Treatment Center in Shalimar Bagh

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